Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Daily 'Scrape'

In the last post we talked about about how Google 'hides' its price data behind its own custom id's and how we can retrieve and match them to real EPICs for our own uses. In this post we will cover the actual exercise of scraping price data and the pitfalls to watch out for. A word of warning before we progress, the code listed below is not as well documented as I would like, however please ask if you have questions.

I download pricing data everyday for all companies in the FTSE100 and FTSE250. I also download 6 years-worth of data for each EPIC every day (750,000 records). You may ask why delete and re-download everything every day? The reason is, I believe there are errors in the daily data that are sometimes corrected by Google and I wouldn't catch these 'corrections' if I didn't download everyday. I may be very wrong in this opinion, but it makes me feel happier.

The actual 'work' of fetching the Google price data is covered by the following code:

   protected static DataTable DownLoadPricesFromGoogle(DateTime latestDate, 
                                      DateTime earliestDate, string googleCid)  
       string urlTemplate =  
       string latestMonth = latestDate.Month.ToString("00");  
       string latestDay = latestDate.Day.ToString("00");  
       string latestYear = latestDate.Year.ToString("00").Substring(2, 2);  
       string earliestMonth = earliestDate.Month.ToString("00");  
       string earliestDay = earliestDate.Day.ToString("00");  
       string earliestYear = earliestDate.Year.ToString("00").Substring(2, 2);  
       urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("[symbol]", googleCid);  
       urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("[latestMonth]", latestMonth);  
       urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("[latestDay]", latestDay);  
       urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("[latestYear]", latestYear);  
       urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("[earliestMonth]", earliestMonth);  
       urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("[earliestDay]", earliestDay);  
       urlTemplate = urlTemplate.Replace("[earliestYear]", earliestYear);  
       string history;  
       var wc = new WebClient();  
         history = wc.DownloadString(urlTemplate);  
       catch (WebException ex)  
         if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)  
           return null;  
         goto Begin;  
       return Parse(history, true);  

The 'Begin:' at the top of the code is a horrible 'kludge' put in to get around any delay in fetching the page - I have as yet not found a better way. The rest of the code is fairly self explanatory.

The 'Parse' method converts the document stream into a datatable - to be honest I should get around to rewriting this as there is really no need for this and a much simpler method such as a simple data transport object would suffice:

  public static DataTable Parse(TextReader stream, bool headers)  
       var table = new DataTable();  
       table.TableNewRow += Table_NewRow;  
       var csv = new CsvStream(stream);  
       string[] row = csv.GetNextRow();  
       if (row == null)  
         return null;  
       if (headers)  
         foreach (string header in row)  
           if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(header) && !table.Columns.Contains(header))  
             if (header.Contains("Date"))  
               table.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(string));  
               table.Columns.Add(header, typeof(string));  
             table.Columns.Add(GetNextColumnHeader(table), typeof(string));  
         row = csv.GetNextRow();  
       while (row != null)  
         while (row.Length > table.Columns.Count)  
           table.Columns.Add(GetNextColumnHeader(table), typeof(string));  
         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(row[1]))  
         row = csv.GetNextRow();  
       return table;  
     private static void Table_NewRow(object sender, DataTableNewRowEventArgs e)  
       Console.WriteLine("Table_NewRow Event: RowState={0}",  
     private static string GetNextColumnHeader(DataTable table)  
       int c = 1;  
       while (true)  
         string h = "Column" + c++;  
         if (!table.Columns.Contains(h))  
           return h;  

The 'RefreshPriceData' method controls the program flow of the 'scrape' - key points to note are:

  • the 'Persistence' class is purely a utility class to clean-up the backend database prior to the receiving of a new set of data. To be honest, with the advent of Linq-to-Sql, I could probably get rid of 'Persistence' and keep everything in line.

  • The code checks for the presence of 'GoogleEpicCodes.xml' in the path - as previously mentioned, this file is the 'key' for matching Google id's to real EPICs. If the file doesn't exist, it is created in the 'FetchGoogleCIDs' method.
  • I use a store of known EPICs in my database to filter what prices I am going after - these EPICs are checked against the data from 'GoogleEpicCodes.xml' to ensure validity and to filter for only FTSE100 and FTSE250 companies - the LINQ code to fetch the EPICs from the SQL database is:
    IQueryable<string> epics = (from e in _db.StatsLists  
                         where e.FTSE_Index == "FTSE100" || e.FTSE_Index == "FTSE250"  
                         orderby e.EPIC  
                         select e.EPIC);

  •  An interesting piece of code surrounds the line:
     if (!_dt.Rows.Contains(keysFind))
    The reason for this is that I have found occaisionally that Google will throw the same price/date pair in twice - I don't know if this is designed to confound scrapers, but this small check before adding the record will save you much grief later.

 public void RefreshPriceData()  
       _db = new DataClassesDataContext();  
       _db.Connection.ConnectionString = Database.ConnectionString;  
       //Delete all prices first  
       string path = Environment.CurrentDirectory;  
       path = string.Format("{0}\\", path);  
       if (!File.Exists(path + "GoogleEpicCodes.xml"))  
       DataTable gId = GetGoogleCids(path + "GoogleEpicCodes.xml");  
       IQueryable<string> epics = (from e in _db.StatsLists  
                     where e.FTSE_Index == "FTSE100" || e.FTSE_Index == "FTSE250"  
                     orderby e.EPIC  
                     select e.EPIC);  
       DataTable _dt = Persistence.CreateDataTable();  
       var keys = new DataColumn[2];  
       keys[0] = _dt.Columns["EPIC"];  
       keys[1] = _dt.Columns["Date"];  
       int count = 0;  
       foreach (DataRow row in gId.Rows)  
         if (epics.Contains(row[0]))  
           Console.WriteLine("Starting on " + row[0]);  
           DataTable tempdt = DownLoadPricesFromGoogle(row[1].ToString());  
           if (tempdt == null)  
           var keysFind = new object[2];  
           foreach (DataRow dataRow in tempdt.Rows)  
             DataRow newRow = _dt.NewRow();  
             newRow["EPIC"] = row[0];  
             newRow["Date"] = 
                    DateTime.ParseExact(dataRow["Date"].ToString(), "d-MMM-yy", null);  
             newRow["Open"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dataRow["Open"].ToString());  
             newRow["Volume"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dataRow["Volume"].ToString());  
             decimal high = Convert.ToDecimal(dataRow["High"].ToString());  
             decimal low = Convert.ToDecimal(dataRow["Low"].ToString());  
             decimal close = Convert.ToDecimal(dataRow["Close"].ToString());  
             newRow["High"] = high;  
             newRow["Low"] = low;  
             newRow["Close"] = close;  
             keysFind[0] = row[0];  
             keysFind[1] = 
                      DateTime.ParseExact(dataRow["Date"].ToString(), "d-MMM-yy", null);  
             if (!_dt.Rows.Contains(keysFind))  
           if (count % 30 == 0 && count != 0)  

Implementation of this code will allow you to easily 'scrape' the data you need. I run this every night prior to testing, each run netting some three-quarters of a million records within the space of about 15 minutes.

Next time we will discuss how to easily insert so many records into an SQL database.

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